For aspiring writers out there! :)

Bookishpublishers's Blog

3 Essential Elements Of A Book’s First Page

If you’re a writer with publishing goals, then you know how important it is that the literary agents or editors reading your material keep reading. After all, if your submission doesn’t hook the reader right away, there are plenty of other submissions to take its place. With that in mind, we’ve outlined three major elements that make or break a piece in the first few pages so that you can make sure you’re submitting the best short story, essay, or book query possible.

1. Character
Any character you present in the opening pages of your essay, short story, or book manuscript should be intriguing. Don’t waste any time; show the reader quickly why it’s worth getting to know the character.

2. Opening Action
To quickly hook your reader, focus in on an intense and important moment. This doesn’t have to be a…

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Blogger’s Note

Thanks to the Phoenician people for spreading a powerful writing system. Thanks to Michael Faraday for giving us the world-changing idea of producing electricity using magnets. Thanks to Tim Berners-Lee for inventing the world wide web. And thanks to the God of Abraham, Moses, Peter and C.S. Lewis for placing the sun exactly where it should be and for proving that everything is heck boring and meaningless without light and design.

“There is nothing new under the sun,” the writer of Ecclesiastes repeatedly pointed out. Centuries later and many galaxies already named, I think the dude is still right. We surround ourselves with STUFF, we busy ourselves with STUFF and we instruct ourselves with STUFF.

A bright man once said that modern culture is always on therapeutic mode–trying to heal symptoms of a disease we are weirdly afraid to get checked. We elate humanity without tracking down the things that makes us humans. The most terrifying of all? We are a world behind in the category of self-honesty.

So what drives us? This blog will have a great deal of ‘asking and answering’ of this question. Yeah, it’s good to ask the same question more than once and answer it in a different way each time. Going back to the riddle, some pep folks tell of “passion”. But what is passion? Some answer it with “God”. But who is God? What sets a Guy apart from Buddha, Plato, Muhammad and Son Goku? (Have you heard of “the passion of Christ?”)


This blog is about life’s curious time-outs and important keepings. Life is interesting when sharply sliced by wonder and hope, and squeezed out to create a more surprising experience.

I’m gonna share the things I observe and think of during leg-cramping waits commuting home, caffeine-fueled nights, almost-life encounters and not-so quiet times; stories and thoughts about God, culture, faith, college life, sports, gardening, air pollution, fast-foods and anything not “new under the sun” that readers might relate to.

It’s the hope of this blog to help it readers (and it’s writer) see that life is not about us and will never be.